Yep. That Opie.
I picked this up during our day in Mt. Airy, aka, Andy Griffith's Mayberry. If you haven't been to visit, and you're in the neighborhood, definitely drop by.
The Andy Griffith Show was on for eight seasons back in the 1960s - it's still on networks like TVLand, and I can't help it, when I run across it, I find myself sucked in to the episode. Just reminds me of home, I guess. But the town of Mt. Airy's managed to make a cottage industry out of the show - preserving the look and feel of the small town, complete with Andy Griffith's childhood home, and a small museum. Plus, you can take tour in a squad car (I got to ride up front!) around town!
Anyway, Opie's Candy Store was right on Main Street, and was such a cute candy store, with barrels of candy and various goodies. And if there's anything I like as much as dessert, it's a good candy store.
Little pieces of heaven, really.
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