A friend of mine took a work trip down to New Orleans this year, and brought this bag for me. It's cute! I've always loved this design.
I just love that some souvenir company somewhere is making tons of money from creating these cute icons for different cities and throwing them on to mugs and magnets and shirts and other souvenirs. I could swear I saw this in Boston. And Chicago. And in New York. And Los Angeles. The same illustrated icons! Dudes, I bet they're in London, Paris, Rome, Egypt, Beijing, Tokyo, Hong Kong, too. Brilliant! And easy!
If you look close, I took this picture when it about 82 degrees in my apartment. That's why I'm using it, because right now, it's about 48 degrees, and I'm buried in blankets and sweaters right now. Not that ya'll in Cali will feel sorry for me with 95-degree weather today.
Yes. I just did a post on souvenirs and weather.
What? It's a thermometer magnet! What'd you expect?
It's a pretty thermometer.
It's very convenient that you can see Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time.
I want to thermometer like this.
Because I always wonder my room temperature.
Korea also now cold winter.
So I also bundled up as warmly as possible now.
Take care not to catch cold.
Hi, thanks for reading and posting!
It is very convenient to have C & F at the same time - I can never do the numbers conversion very well!
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