Today was another one of those loose and flowy days, where in time got away from us. Time, and a bag of grits, anyway. Heh.
When we left the hotel, we actually had a plan - New London Architecture, Pollock's Toy Museum, British Library, St. Pancras and King's Cross. All before lunch.
Stop laughing. I can hear you.
Well, despite intense shopping along Oxford, we managed to accomplish all of the above, only by about 3:15ish, when we had to run back from King's Cross all the way back down to our Earl's Court hotel, to grab my imported grits for my friend, whom we were meeting in Trafalgar Square at 4ish. Whew!
But, I wouldn't trade the muss and fuss for anything, as we had a good time at HMV looking for a million Brit music CDs and Simon Pegg's Nerd Do Well book. And at the soccer shop (no really, it was called the Soccer Store, presumably to draw in us dumb Americans). And at the touristy souvenir shops (had to pick up Wills/Kate magnets). And at a place called JOY (yes, I know!). And window shopping. And saying hello to FDR and Winston on Bond Street.
We finally managed to get on with our schedule round about 11 or so...with a fun trip to the Toy Museum, all Victorian with its overwhelming collection of both creepy and cool toys. Seriously, that place must be a madhouse when all the humans go home - you just know all the toys are totally raving afterhours.
My fave part of the trip thus far has been the New London Architecture space - which has a supercool London diorama. Ya'll know I love a good diorama. I mean, it wasn't on the level of the Queens diorama of New York, but nothing gives you a better feel for the layout of a town than a fantastic diorama. Whoa. Ya'll didn't think I could be this dorky, huh. (Well, you are reading a magnetblog! Hmph!)
We also loved the supercool Out of This World science fiction exhibit at the British Library. I mean, the library itself was an awesome building - but the exhibit, despite being overcrowded, was really well done. It basically went through the science fiction genre from several different aspects and POVs, and through books and music and television and film. So good! We weren't able to do the tour or the Library treasures exhibit, but I suppose we should keep some stuff for future visits.
After a quick trot in the rain past St. Pancras, and a quick snap at Platform 9 3/4s for the sister, it was back to pick up the grits for my friend. No, really. She lives with her hub in South London but grew up with me in NC, and that was her one request. It's the one thing she can't find in London. I feel her pain, man. It's hard to get good grits in New York, too.
Well, like they say, you can take the girl out of North Carolina...
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