I heart NY. I've said it before. I'm saying it again. I just do. I wouldn't trade it for any other city in the world. Well, maybe London, but really, if I lived there, I'd just be visiting here.
So tonight, some friends and I went to an advance screening of Sex and the City 2, with a Q&A session with Michael Patrick King, the writer/director/producer of the movie, hosted by the American Museum of the Moving Image. (If you haven't been out to Astoria to visit, it's definitely a worthwhile trip to the outerboroughs.)
I've never been like a huge fan of the show, I mean, I liked it, saw every episode, and did the NYC tour, and I even wept at the movie (in the theatre, no less)...but I've never been one of the true-fans. Still, watching this movie was like hanging out with old friends - a fun two and half hours. The storylines were pretty good - I got teary when I was supposed to (and even when I wasn't), and I laughed when I was supposed to (and even when I wasn't).
But production-wise? In a word: lush. The movie, the locations, the costumes, the sets - all gorgeous and beautifully shot. It went big, and it was unapologetic about it. And that's what we love about this show, and our four friends.
The session with King was fantastic. I've never seen any interviews with him before, but he was the most charming, personable guy ever. He made a good movie and wrote a good script, and he knew it. In some odd way, he gets women, and he clearly understands this SATC phenomena that he's been a part of. During the last movie, he'd discovered a world of women, he said, after getting lost in his sea of nouns, trying to explain what made him expand the story beyond New York to Abu Dhabi.
Speaking of, the movie wasn't perfect - I totally had my issues with the Americans being typical Americans in foreign countries. There was a part of me that cringed when I saw the fearsome foursome running around in Abu Dhabi. I also don't buy into King's argument that because Samantha would be outrageous in Bergdorf's, it's ok that she was totally outrageous in Abu Dhabi - the implication being that we all just have to forgive her because...she's Samantha.
But, given that she is just being Samantha, I can pretty much dismiss it, and move on. Plus, I was provided enough distraction with the cool architecture/set design and the hot boys (in the form of Aidan, Smith, rugby boys, but also Max Ryan, my new old guy crush). So thanks for that!
Will everyone like it? Eh, who cares, it's still going to make a ton of glitter at the box office.
It's true - if you aren't on board by the time Manhattan turns into diamonds, leave the theatre. It's not for everyone, and as Michael Patrick King says, it doesn't have to be.
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