joy magnetism: Forgive my avarice

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Forgive my avarice

Magnet #844 - Emily Dickinson quote

The magnet I picked up from BEA this year. Truly, I love this quote.

I know next to nothing about Emily Dickinson, but clearly, she treasured her friends. And how.

Well, I mean, who doesn't, right?

And, yes, I was planning on this being some sort of very sappy "I love my friends and family" post, but you know what? They kinda know. And they don't need some Emily Dickinson magnet to tell them.

Translation: Dudes, I'm a day late on this magnet, and I spent a few hours this evening with a couple of good friends and former colleagues brow-beating me with the hard truth of my 13-year bout of Stockholm Syndrome. Can't be mad at them, they speak truth.

That's how they do.

*"My friends are my 'estate.' Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them." - Emily Dickinson, 1858
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