joy magnetism: Service with a smile...or not, as the case may be

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Service with a smile...or not, as the case may be

Magnet #239 - LG Customer Service

I lifted this magnet from a former client of mine. Mainly because I was working on the account for a few months before I realized that their brandmark was an L and a G, stylized into a smiling face. Yep. Look again. I know! Add to that their tagline, Life's Good, and you've got some interesting branding work going on.

But, wherefore art thou, Customer Service? A few days ago, I woke up to find that overnight, my DVR (named Gene) had somehow gone back to September 30, 9:39pm (in the middle of that Fringe eppy, which was weird). Two weeks of October programming - obliterated. If you know me at all, you know that I just about freaked out. Very sad.

So I called Time Warner Cable, and giggled when I found out that their satellites were being affected by solar flares. The giggles started to wane, after about 5 minutes of yes, no, sorry, I did not understand you, with the virtual representative, and she said, would you like to talk to a representative? YES.

I got Cesar. And I swear, I was perfectly nice, I just didn't hear the first couple of things he said. He got frustrated with me. And raised his voice. Meanie. Yes. Cesar from Time Warner Cable's customer service was mean, offering no explanation as to what happened, no apologies for the inconvenience, no nothing - except freakin' loud attitude.

I ended up having to go down to the customer service location to get a new box (named Eugenia). The complete opposite of Mean Cesar was Wonderful Nadine at Time Warner Cable's customer service was wonderful, and solved my problem in ten minutes. Thanks for your help, Nadine!

To be fair, working in customer service can't be easy. I was at the post office this morning, and there were three typically self-entitled Upper West Siders who approached three different post office employees and were all so bitchy. I mean, I was there for all of it. Those customers were just embarassingly rude.

So I suppose, Cesar, if sun flares were affecting TWC sat signals, you might have had a hard day already, before you got to me. At least, that's what I'm hoping. Cuz if you're just Mean Cesar, then mayhap you need to seek a non-customer facing position. I'm just sayin'.
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1 comment:

jen said...

Ooof. Sorry for you guy. Cesar sucks. I hope solar flares didn't erase my DVR!!! Now you have me worried....