joy magnetism: Here's lookin' at you, joy. Part two, electric Moose-a-loo

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Here's lookin' at you, joy. Part two, electric Moose-a-loo

Magnet #925 - Moose

Yes. I totally bought this second magnet from that same gas station in Massachusetts. What?

This guy was totally what I was looking for all up and down the Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont part of our roadtrip this week.

What? It's not like they're joking when they put up those MOOSE CROSSING signs!

Sigh. The Meese must be on the same evac plans that the Bears are on when I come rollin' through town.

Quick! Joy's here, everyone! Stay outta sight!
Pin It!


G said...

But did you see any chicken? I've heard that they walk alongside the roads up here.

This week, I've seen one woodchuck, two squirrels, three chipmunks, and four deer outside my window. But no meese.

joy said...

Hahah. Nope, I saw no chickens. I've never seen a real live woodchuck, Gin. That's cool!